City or Town is a place of urban living. Urban means an environment in which natural surroundings have been dominated by manmade or artificial surroundings, which man made for himself, or his working, living and recreation. As per the census of India, a place becomes urban if it has more than 5000 population, more than 75% of which are engaged in non –agricultural occupation and the density is more than1000 persons per
Urbanization is the physical growth of rural or natural land into
urban areas as a result of population immigration to an existing urban area. Urbanization
refers to the population shift from rural to urban residency, the gradual
increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas, and the ways in
which each society adapts to this change.
The Causes of Urban Growth
Push Factors
· Lack of educational facilities
· Lack of job opportunities
· Lack of health facilities
· Lack of electricity and
sewerage system
· Land lord system
· Inequality
· Low living standards
· Old traditions
Pull Factors
· Better and higher educational
· Better and more of job
· Better health facilities
· Availability of electricity and
sewerage system
· Better living standards
Global Trends in Urbanization
In 1960, the global urban population
was 34% of the total; however, by 2014 the urban population accounted for 54%
of the total and continues to grow. By 2050 the proportion living in urban
areas is expected to reach 66%. Fig. 1.5 shows the change in the rural and
urban populations of the world from 1950 through to projected figures up to the
year 2050.
Urbanism started in the caves themselves, where people gathered
for protection against the elements or for the defence against rival tribes.
These places of communal living gave way
to the village. The village was a
by-product of development of agriculture in areas of adequate water supply and
fertile soil. The village was also a sanctuary for the altar of their deity, a
meeting place for assembly and a centre for trade. This environment became
increasingly populated and resulted in
urbanisation. With the development of diversified economy not totally dependent
of food production attracted people into labour pool, providing employment in a variety of forms. This in turn brought
about the enlargement of village or hamlets into towns and cities.

Population residing in urban areas in India, according to 1901
census, was 11.4%. This count increased to 28.53% according to 2001 census, and
crossing 30% as per 2011 census, standing at 31.16%. In 2017, the numbers
increased to 34%, according to The World Bank. The data shows that Goa is the
most urbanised state with 62.17% of the population living in urban areas. But
if one goes by geographical area and total population, Tamil Nadu is the most
urbanised state. In Kerala, 47.72% of people live in urban areas and in
Maharashtra 45.23%.
Factors that influence in the
development and growth of urban areas
· Population density
· Density of physical development
· Possession of formal plan
· Proportion of inhabitants
engaging in non agricultural occupation
· Functional characters
· Services
· Political or legal,
· Life style
Causes of urbanization
· Economic development
· Industrialization
· Job opportunities
· Availability of easy
· Agglomeration economics
· Political, cultural and social influences
Problems of Urbanization
· Pressure on resources and
social services Eg. Water, transport, health and education
· More unemployment
· Increased crime rate,
especially since the typical migrant may be young, unskilled or inexperienced
· Development of slums (ghettos)
due to inadequate housing. This will add to the problem of pollution
· Traffic congestion
· Competition on limited
· Noise pollution
· Epidemics
· High levels of stress
· Poverty
· Air quality worsens
Solution to problems of
· Limit the size of cities by
setting boundaries and controlling population size
· Put a stop to using
agricultural lands for non-agricultural purposes such as housing
· Develop the rural areas by
providing recreation, education, health care and other social services
· Develop basic infrastructure in
the rural areas eg. roads, water and electricity
· Encourage rural population to
participate in community activities and use community facilities
· Create jobs in rural areas by
building more factories to employ more people
(Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission) is the first massive urban
development programme in India and has established the foundation for
large-scale central assistance to the urban sector. It was launched as a
reform-driven and fast-track programme to catalyze planned development of
identified cities. The programme has been operating in mission mode by
facilitating large scale investments in the urban sector and policy and
institutional reforms, leading to sustainable socio-economic growth in cities.
The mission has sought to achieve this by integrating the development of
infrastructure services and accelerating the flow of investment into urban
infrastructure; through planned development, redevelopment and renewal of
cities, inner-city areas, peri-urban areas, outgrowths, urban corridors and
through universal service delivery for the urban poor. A number of urban
projects were sanctioned under JNNURM during 2005–2014, and central assistance
of approximately 48,000 crore INR was committed during this period through the
mission. During 2014–15, the central government launched four new schemes to
expedite urban infrastructure and service provision and replace JNNURM. These
schemes are the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT),
focusing on water supply and sewerage improvement; Smart Cities Mission (SCM),
aimed at developing smart solutions for selected urban areas; Swachh Bharat
Mission (SBM), focused on waste management and sanitation; and Heritage City
Development and Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY), for addressing the development of
heritage cities.