Precinct commonly refers in planning to a geographically smaller area with specific characteristics that requires detailed planning within the broader administrative boundaries of a municipality and the exact size of a precinct will thus vary. The precinct plan aims to take into account all of the issues affecting the area, including its buildings and spaces, land uses, activities and transport. Based on the baseline situation study carried out one is able to then determine what is working well and how this can be enhanced, and how the area can grow and change in the future. Precinct Plans provides clear strategies and detailed actions for how this can be achieved through the implementation over time.
Essentially, the proposals in a precinct plan will inform the overall development of the precinct in terms of medium to long-term strategic interventions required to promote the development of spatially and economically integrated precincts that are attractive, efficient, convenient, safe and effectively managed. The interventions will also promote restructuring, sustainable communities, economic development, poverty alleviation and environmental sustainability. The four stages of precinct plan include
- Vision for future
- Define aim
- Analysis of area
- Define issues
- Find solution
- Implementation of strategies
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