The scope of this plan covers an assessment of current issues, prospects, priorities and proposals for development of the urban centre including employment generation, economic base, transportation and land use, housing and other infrastructure; and matters like environment, conservation and ecology. It also contains implementation strategies, agencywise (including private sector) schemes/projects, development promotion rules and resource mobilization plan with particular reference to finance, land and manpower and provides an efficient system of monitoring and review.
Depending upon the urgency of the needs and priorities requiring special treatment and covering special aerial extant development plans for specific subjects could also be prepared within the framework of the perspective plan and covering the area of jurisdiction of the local authority. These plans could be traffic and transportation plan, tourism development plan, environmental conservation plan, heritage conservation plan, mining sites reclamation plan, coastal area development plan, highway corridor development and such others.
A development plan is a statutory plan, approved and adopted by the local authority for implementation with the help of schemes and projects. Its proposals are precise and definite. It makes known publicly the intention of the local authority regarding physical, social and economic development of the urban centre, the facilities and services that are proposed to be provided in near future (Next 5 years). It notifies the property owners the manner in which their properties will be affected; and it informs the developers about the areas where opportunities for investment will be available.
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