- Convenience and cheap means of transport
- Good sanitation and water supply
- Open air spaces
- Population density control
- Proper situations for places of worship, education and recreation
- Rational layout
- Requirement and Distribution of Land (Land use pattern)
- Width of roads
Planning Standards
- Educational facilities such as primary school, high school and college
- Medical facilities such as dispensary, health centre and hospital
- Shopping facilities such as departmental stores, shops, etc.
- Miscellaneous amenities such as burial ground, crematorium, cinema, auditorium, stadium, petrol filling cum service station, police station, post office, fire station, library, community hall, telephone exchange etc.
- Width of roads such as village roads, state roads, national highways etc.
- Development of land for the construction of buildings in the form of various building bye laws etc.
Report of a Development Plan
The written report accompanying the development plan should analyze the existing state of the
town and it should include the following topics to suggest the improvement of town in general.
- Cost estimates for immediate measures
- Development of basic industries in urban and suburban zones
- Engineering infrastructure, site development, sanitation and hygienic measures
- Functional zoning and architectural principles involved in the town plan; pattern of highways and urban transportation; population growth for a design period and the first stage of construction
- Technical and economic factors of the project etc.
A well-structured development plan considers infrastructure, investment, and social policies. Balanced planning ensures sustainable progress. The Strategic Planning for Economic Development Course helps professionals design comprehensive development strategies for urban and rural areas.